
For just over seven years now, I've been wearing basically the same hat. Some have called it my trademark, some a security blanket; either way I've been wearing it for a long time now and beneath that hat, there's a lot of craziness going on. This blog is my attempt to release the pressure that has built up underneath the hat and direct it into a form some people out there might understand.

What can you find here? As a freelance writer, I have a lot of opinions on the entertainment industry and I believe transmedia is the future of that. Some of my posts will focus on my personal transmedia projects or thoughts on the world of transmedia at large. And, like most people of my generation, I'm very much opinionated. I've got opinions on everything from movies and tv to science and philosophy so that stuff will find it's way on here as well.

And there's more! Explore the blog and see what you find...