Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Gravity is God and Albert Einstein was a Prophet

For as long as we've been around (roughly 5771 years), we've been asking the question: what is god? Now, I'm fairly confident in what I can say that god is not. God is not a dude in the sky with a white beard and a robe. God is not constantly watching us and judging us, putting us in a book under naughty or nice.

What I do feel that I know is that god is something that the human mind is incapable of comprehending. God is something beyond this plane of existence but peeking through into perceivable space. Confused yet? Just stay with me cause it makes more sense in a bit.

God is gravity. We are god. The planet is god. The same way that all of our cells somehow manage to work together and make us live, by some bizarre bit of chance, us being hear makes god "live". But just as those cells don't know how the whole body functions, we don't know everything about how the universe works. The mysteries of the universe: dark matter, black holes, gravity; these are the very definition of mystical forces.

Gravity is the force that binds everything together in the universe. Without gravity the galaxy doesn't stay together, the earth doesn’t orbit the sun, and we don't stay on Earth. Beyond this, gravity is at once the most simple of forces and the most complicated. It's easy to understand that an object falls to earth but understand the why, that's where we find god.

To completely understand the ins and outs of how the universe functions is such a lofty goal the comparison to understanding god is inevitable. Even if we understand every bit of gravity, where did the design come from? Why should the universe work that way? Why should we need air to live, or be limited to our small plot of dirt and water? It takes an amazing type of person to even begin to answer those questions. Perhaps even… a prophet.

I know, I know. Now I just sound crazy. A physics prophet but hold on there's room for them in my crazy theory. I'm not talking about Moses or Elijah. No, the prophets as I see it are people like Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.

Every animal on earth understands on some level that when you drop an object it falls to earth. It's when man was able to think and ask the question why that we began to approach god. It was when the answers to questions like that were discovered that god was showing itself to people.

Now don't think that this is some Contact thing where god's going to show up as your deceased father. The way these "prophets" see god is that their mind takes a step forward in evolution. The mind of someone like Newton or Einstein has opened up to a new level of consciousness and seen a piece of the how the universe works in a way that no person had been able to see before.

A 2-D illustration of the spacetime curvature theory.
Einstein the best example. Until him, we'd understood the how of gravity. All objects have a gravitational pull, the bigger or more dense the object is, the more gravity it has. But why? Why should an object pull other things toward it just because it's larger and more dense? Einstein saw why, in short it was his theory of spacetime curvature. I won't get into describing it here except to say that it's like throwing a ball onto a sheet that has a weight in the center. The object goes towards the ball because the weight has created a well that the ball falls towards. (Wikipedia has a pretty nice beginner entry on spacetime for us scientist wannabes).

Einstein was the first to be able to see into this piece of the universe; this piece of god. Then, like a prophet does, he shared what he had learned with the rest of humanity, translating god into something we could comprehend. Compare it to the idea of Moses, translating the word of god into the Torah and the Ten Commandments. He translated god into morals that the Jewish people could understand.

That brings me to a final point. I'm Jewish. I don't consider myself an atheist or even an agnostic. Can I do this? I don't know. It's a bit of a crisis of faith for me honestly, but more so I believe in the morals I was raised on. The way I was raised, especially regarding religion, taught me to question everything and explore any theory, any possibility. My thinking and philosophizing brought me to this conclusion and I think that at the end of the day that’s what religion should preach above all us: question what you're told.

On researching this post I found a quote by Carl Sagan:
"The idea that God is an oversized white male with a flowing beard who sits in the sky and tallies the fall of every sparrow is ludicrous. But if by God one means the set of physical laws that govern the universe, then clearly there is such a God. This God is emotionally unsatisfying... it does not make much sense to pray to the law of gravity."
True, it's not fun to worship gravity itself. The laws of physics are significantly less dramatic than the laws of the Judeo-Christian god. Charlton Heston can attest to that. More than that though, a god that doesn't preside over us means that our lives are in our own hands and that is downright frightening.

If you know what this image is from... you win.
Sure, physics won't help us in a time of need and it won't smite wrongdoers, but what I don't agree with Mr. Sagan about is that this version of god is "emotionally unsatisfying". After all, what could be more magical than something completely and utterly unknown?


  1. I had this same theory pop into my head when I was on a date on August 14 2010. But I never wrought a word about it till now.

    1. I am one of the chief expounder of Gravitation Force Theory of God. In 2006 I presented a paper on 'Gravitation Force is the Ultimate Creator' at the 1st International Conf.on Revival of Traditional Yoga' held in Lonavla and in 2007 I presented a paper on 'In Scientific Terminology, Source of Gravitational Wave is God' at the 2nd Vedic Science Congress held in Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.

  2. I came to the conclusion as well. we kno all about the other three forces, strong and weak nuclear and electromagnetic, but no one can describe gravity. but fyi, humans have been around alot longer than 5000 years. try 200000

  3. “…we tend to see hydrogen as just dead, material, odourless, colourless stuff. But from an evolutionary perspective, we realize that if you just take hydrogen, and you leave it alone it eventually turns into a human. To me, it suggests that if human are spiritual beings, then hydrogen is somehow spiritual too.” (Brian Swimme, Cosmologist)

    1. “Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, reason, and also ego; these constitute My nature divided into eight parts. This indeed my lower nature; other than this, by which the whole universe is sustained know it to be My higher (or Spiritual) nature in the form of jive (the life principle)….. all beings have evolved from this twofold prakriti, and that I am the source of entire creation, and into me again it disappears.” (Lord Krishna)

    2. “The current descending some distance and focusing ………., it brought some creation (Agam Lok, Alakh Lok & Sat Lok) into existence. The process of creation stopped at this stage and for a considerable time this was the entire creation.


    3. “Below this Region, during second phase of creational process, the two Kalas viz., Niranjan (Invisible Force Current) and Jyoti (Electromagnetic Force) together evolved the creation of five Tattwas (elements), four Khans (species, categories of life) and three Gunas (qualities). Then Niranjan separated Himself from the rest, putting the burdens of looking after the creation on them. Nobody could know of Niranjan. Only they made conjectures.” (His Holiness Soamiji Maharaj, Founder of Radhasoami Faith)

    Invisible Force and Gravitation Force have identical characteristics.

    4. According to Radhasoami FAITH THE UNIVERSE (MACROCOSM) has been divided into three Grand Divisions –
    (a) Pure Spiritual Region – Region of pure spirit or pure consciousness
    (b) In the second grand division both Spirit Force and Material Forces are manifest but spirit force predominates
    (c) In third grand division material forces predominate over spirit force. Spirit force is very feeble in this region.

    There are many subdivisions in each grand division. Every subdivision has its own level of consciousness.
    Gravitation Force is the strongest force on black holes and weakest on Earth Planet.

    1. “………… The human body provides the opportunity for going down into life forms of animals, birds, vegetables etc. and go further down into metals or go up from the human form and attain the status of gods etc. and then become one with God.” (Sir Sahabji Maharaj (1881-1937), 5th Spiritual Head of Radhasoami Faith)

    In other words metal and God and other intermediary stages, all have consciousness, although different from each other.

    2. Maharshi Mahesh Yogi (1975) had described seven levels of consciousness. Each level of consciousness has different values of Physiology.

    3. Swami Niranjananand Saraswati (2006) says: “Human beings are composed of two forces; prana-the cosmic energy, and consciousness-the evolving energy.” Thus consciousness is constantly evolving.

    4. “……..only some aspects of the consciousness of the CE (Consciousness Element) are accessible through physical measurements. The main instrument capable of sensing any feature of CE or deriving some properties of it is the mind of a sentient entity.” (Prof. Ashok Agarwal (2012))

    Through spiritual practices (Meditation and Yoga) we may be able to have access at all levels of consciousness.

    CONCLUSIVELY it can be stated, “Ek tattva ki pradhanta, kaho use jad ya chetan” (Jai Shankar Prasad).
    (ONLY ONE ELEMENT PREDOMINATE, say it matter or consciousness). Thus consciousness is all that which exists- living or non-living.

    Thus Living and Non-living needs to be redefined.

  4. Wow, I came to the same conclusion as well! Almost verbatim, but I loved the Einstein angle! That was a new idea for me.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Have you written anything else about this?

  7. This thought about Gravity just came to my mind...... the truth is. God is supreme... here is a bible verse for you: Job 26:6-....... 6The underworlda is naked in God’s presence.
    The place of destructionb is uncovered.
    7God stretches the northern sky over empty space
    and hangs the earth on nothing.
    8He wraps the rain in his thick clouds,
    and the clouds don’t burst with the weight.
    9He covers the face of the moon,c
    shrouding it with his clouds.
    10He created the horizon when he separated the waters;
    he set the boundary between day and night.

    1. Okay, very nice analogy/analysis.
      Simple question? what we refer to as a planet would not exist without god Gravity. Yes or no?
      He/She rules all around you. Kinda keeps our Earth together, so to speak. yes pun intended.

  8. I thought dat i was mad, but after searching in google Gravity is god. I came to know i was not the only one. Though i forgot why i think about it .. i had a pack of rum. Dats why i forgot.

  9. Gravity, the holy spirit. God,in his natural form, the sun. Jesus, Fire.
